Saturday, March 19, 2011

Iodine Tablets

After Chernobyl radioactive iodine was detected by the DEQ in Oregon. It is very likely to be in the plume now on the West coast from the Fukushima accident.

Iodine tablets (IU) can be dangerous to take without clearance from a medical provider. They can cause big problems for individuals allergic to fish or shell fish. The reason individuals consider taking them is to protect the thyroid gland from gobbling up the radioactive iodine that occurs during an accident like Fukushima. 
Topical 2% iodine can be used in a small patch on the underside of the arm. The body takes this in and it works very well to protect the thyroid. NOTE TINCTURE OF IODINE IS POISON NOT TO BE INGESTED (DO NOT DRINK). For use on skin only. Test the possibility of allergy by placing just a dot on the skin. Inside of forearm anywhere between wrist and elbow. Wait 24 hours if no swelling or redness is seen place a small patch of iodine tincture on the skin (1"x1"). This patch should be repeated as it wears off. Daily or every other day during the time of max exposure. That would be at least the first month the plume passes. Because the explosions happened days apart the plume will be arriving in waves. With the middle plume containing the material from reactor three. One should err on the side to too long as weather conditions tend to mix it up.
Dried seaweed for children as well is good. Anything that strengthens the immune system is good. Radioactive exposure breakdown the immune system creating and opening for many diseases. After a “low level” exposure to uranium history tells us of increased allergies of severe degree, leukemia, birth defects, reduced sperm count, and hard cancer. We know plutonium is deadly to inhale but there has never been an accident of this magnitude that involved so much plutonium. Four buildings worth of “dirty bomb.” So you choose how act which suits you. Responsible action is required to protect children.

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