Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I just looked at the Wall Street Journal poll asking:
How concerned are you about radiation from the Japanese nuclear disaster reaching the U.S? 
Then the bar chart is shown which shows 68% are unconcerned, 16.7% somewhat concerned, and 16.5% seriously concerned. 
This data is in the news feed today March 28th. The date of the article is March 18th. My questions is why this old news in the feed today. I had to really look to find the date of the article. It was way at the top in tiny print.
We are getting bombarded with articles about people who love nuclear reactors. Media and the industry are still equating the level of radiation with the health danger. The industry knows full well people, children especially and women, will not begin to have serious health issues for a year to five years. Then exposed individuals for the next twenty years will drop like flies from cancer.
It is not the amount of radiation that is just one measurement that is important. At distances low level radiation is the harbinger of deadly radionuclide particulates that kill if they find their way into the lung, and create major health issues if ingested.
Today it was released that plutonium was found around the site. This is not surprising considering the explosion involving spent fuel rods from 2 reactors. What is surprising is that the "authorities" are only now releasing the information.
Tons of material containing varying amounts plutonium were involved in the first two explosions. It is accepted that a 1/4 lb of plutonium broken down in its smallest form and placed in the lung has the potential to kill every man woman and child on the face of the Earth.
Ingested radionuclides and exposure to radiation is passed as a cumulative poison from one generation to the next. It binds to DNA and settles in the reproductive organs.
What anyone does, is their choice. However nuclear electrical generation is a deception played on the public to utilize stores of war materials at this point. It makes no sense. Unless it is your intention to seriously thin out the human population and weaken the human species which is most susceptible. 
Personally I think of it as a trespass. The nuclear industry is releasing manmade lethal (for centuries) radio nuclides into the air and water. My children and your children are being exposed. They are not working on a sub or in a generation plant they are sleeping in their beds breathing air.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Will We Let Greed Kill Us All?

“The Japanese cannot even imagine what ignorance we lived in,” said Kruglikova, a 60-year-old literature teacher. “Everything we knew at first was basically just rumor, but many people trusted the official line.”Bloomburg

The reactors at the Fukushima plant have been spewing radiation into Japan and the world for over two weeks why are the officials not burying them?

“They were greedy and wanted to try to re-use the reactors,” Tokyo Governor Ishihara said March 25. “Had they used sea water from the start we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Bloomburg

News media reported readings 10 million times normal at "one of the reactors" yesterday. This is totally possible for the #3 reactor with MOX fuel. This reactor was upgraded just a year ago by a French company. MOX is bomb grade plutonium mixed with uranium. MOX is considered to be the future in the nuclear industry. This mixture is referred to by some as the "dirty bomb" mixture.  So today (03/27/11) the story is being retracted by TEPCO. The chief executive for the company is in the process of being removed because of the many of billions lost. The cost to TEPCO will be incalculable in 5 years when all the health lawsuits begin to file in. It would be to TEPCO's great advantage to get help and bury the facility immediately.

We have seen a hesitancy to cut the losses from the start. TEPCO gives the impression of wanting to salvage some value from the site which is simply unrealistic. The delays due to financial concerns or cultural politeness need to stop immediately. The entire well being of Japan is at risk. The Japanese People are being lied to as well as the world why? So the nuclear industry can survive an industry that only provides a percentage of power we could easily do without 15% to 20% globally.

I support the 200,000 Germans who rallied against nuclear generation of electricity. It's just a steam engine for goodness sake.

The US has just started another oil war rather than to focus fully on assisting the People of Japan in their dire hour of need. That would be the Humanitarian Quest of the hour. Not bombing Libia for "humanitarian" reasons. One has to wonder if our country goes to war without approval of Congress (illegal), how will it respond to the demands of global citizens to bury the reactors at Fukushima and stop all nukes and seek only electrical generation that is "user friendly"? 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chernobyl Goventment Documents Released

Tools for change! Paperlessarchives has just released a huge amount of original government documents relating to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. LINK
264 South LaCienega Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Ph: 310-289-2320

Where do we go from here? What can one person do?

Clearly this disaster is a global nightmare in progress that no one can awake from. So what do we do?
The nuclear industry is talking about "putting safety first" by making the reactors smaller and chaining them together, building them not on site but prefab, different cooling systems, chaining them together and on  and on.

The safe nuclear reactor is the one that does not exist. This whole incident drives home that entire societies are under the spell of addictive accusation. Getting more stuff/money is more important than life itself. How we live effects how we live. Choices of acceptance and ignorance about situations and decisions made for us and our children are our decisions because we are the recipient of their consequences. In the case of Fukushima, "what goes around comes around" and around as the deadly (cancer causing) toxins circle the globe over and over.

The important thing to remember about radiation is that it is a cumulative poison. It binds to the DNA so all that your mother and all that your father have accumulated is passed to you and so on. What we can do is understand the risks and make the changes. If industry can be built on war it can certainly be built on undoing the connection we have to nuclear electric generation. If you look at the location of nukes in the US you will see that with rare exception most are located east of the Mississippi. Many states function without nukes within their boundaries.

There are many much less expensive ways to generate electricity. It is not a question of no nukes no electricity. But if it was what would people choose? It is time to wake from the trance of letting strangers make important decisions for us. What we do now is stop our selfish pursuits and take up the responsibility of making the important decisions that effect us.

If you knew you could prevent your child from getting leukemia what would you be willing to give up?

The first thing that must be done is to encase the Fukushima reactors, all of them now.

The second thing is take every precaution to protect yourselves and your children by realizing the air, water and food are being compromised daily on a global basis by the leaking reactors.

The third thing and possibly most important to future generations is to demand human friendly sources for electrical generation. Require that this be done now not 5 or 10 years from now. Demand and keep Demanding.

The lobby for the nuclear industry was planning a renaissance for nukes. They will be gearing up and sharpening the axe. They are counting on you to get distracted and preoccupied and go back into your trance and forget. The half life of the radioactive isotopes now being emitted have the power to kill for 24,000 year and some much longer (half life). Humanity needs to remember for at least that long.

It all comes down to choice. Choices made that respect life can make just as much profit as those that don't. The thing about radiation is that spiritual karmic physics are at work because humans are the most effected by it. We as a specie who has been the cause for the extinction of specie after specie of animal and plants are now taking ourselves out with compartmentalized thinking and short term goals.

The words of wisdom are these "Play nice or suffer the consequences." After all there are only three components to human reality, AIR<WATER<FOOD. If this human reality is not being met and protected then a culture or society is not realistic in terms of human life. The "game" is not more important than the players.

Be brave, informed, fearless, and laugh in the face of it all. Most important stay awake, remember and do not give up. The unwealthy and wealthy alike are equal they both occupy human bodies.

Better Safe than Sorry

Japan- This ABC report is more honest than any prior in the face of what may be a global disaster. the breach of the MOX reactor three. My question is why haven't these reactors gotten the burial treatment Chernobyl received. I think it is because they were thinking in terms of dollars not lives. Several reports yesterday were bent on salvage of the plant.  LINK

Neutron Beam at Fukushima

KYODO NEWS-Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams- Foretells Disaster

 Akira Kuorsawa's Dreams made in 1990 is a series of short stories (dreams). Akira Kurosawa the renound Japanese director cast Martin Scorsese (famous American director) in one of the dreams see if you can spot him.
The amazing thing about this film, is that  one of the dreams depicts a nuclear disaster in Japan involving 6 reactors! The entire film is a most prophetic commentary on humanity and the generation of electricity.
Link to Akira Kurosawa's Dreams  If link does not work it is located at NETFLIX which offers 7 day free trial.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nuclear as Usual: Why Fukushima Will Change Less Than You Think - The Atlantic

Hanford Site Meeting March 31

Make your views known about Hanford. It is the largest nuclear waste dump for the global industry in the western hemisphere. LINK

Date: Thu, Mar 31st, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm    Open House 6 pm, video history of Hanford.
Location: Jantzen Beach Red Lion Hotel
PORTLAND, OR, 97217-8118

World Plans Many More Reactors! "New One Every 5 Days?"

"It is noteworthy that in the 1980s, 218 power reactors started up, an average of one every 17 days. These included 47 in USA, 42 in France and 18 in Japan. These were fairly large - average power was 923.5 MWe. So it is not hard to imagine a similar number being commissioned in a decade after about 2015. But with China and India getting up to speed with nuclear energy and a world energy demand double the 1980 level in 2015, a realistic estimate of what is possible (but not planned at this stage) might be the equivalent of one 1000 MWe unit worldwide every 5 days." World Nuclear News, Mar. 23, 2011   LINK

"Modern nuclear plants are among the most capital-intensive structures ever built. Initial construction of a new reactor consumes close to 60% of a project's..." The Business Case Against Nuclear Power, Wall Street Journal, Mar 23,2011 LINK
Nuclear power provides approximately 15% of the world's electrical power. It provides approximately 23% in Europe. It has been estimated that we can save 25% of the power we use simply by conservation without  radically changing our lifestyles.

Nuclear power makes no sense except to those in the business. Government grants and little responsibility (capped amount for accident) combined with industry control of regulation and nuclear history unknown to a new generation have created the possibility of a renaissance in nuke generation. The nuclear industry and oil industry are conjoined. Corporations simply do not want to change on their own. So the responsibility falls to responsible parents and individuals who want to protect their environment to demand change. So in America we are paying for the deadly privilege.

It has been said many times that generating electricity with a nuclear source to heat the water for the steam turbine "is like cutting butter (warm) with a chainsaw." The world needs all of its efforts directed toward TRULY Benevolently "Green" electric generation sources. The generation of electricity still is only the turning of a rod, even with today's technology. Coal fired and nukes simply heat water. This technology has not progressed past the steam engine. Nuclear plants, with all their bells and whistles, are nothing more than glorified steam engines. Think about it.

If all is needed is to turn a rod why not use things that move for free and impose no environmental risk? Rivers move constantly. We have the power lines in place. We don't need huge dams to create electricity many small water wheels can feed into the electric grid. FACT: In the US the power companies have to purchase any electricity generated by consumers.
"There are 442 reactors supplying about 15 percent of the world’s electricity, according to the London- based World Nuclear Association. There are plans to build more than 155 reactors, mainly in Asia. Sixty five reactors are under construction, the association said on its website." Businessweek, Mar 23,2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Natural Help Zeolite

Zeolite was unknown to me until this accident. It was used to clean up Chernobyl as it absorbs 95% of the radioactive isotopes once it is dispersed. Then the material is then baked into a ceramic brick which is much less dangerous to the environment.  Why are they waiting?

It has been used to remove ammonia from the air in the chicken raising industry, removes toxins from the soil, filters swimming pools of green design and is used to clean drinking water. Aquariums both salt and fresh water types benefit from zeolite. Mostly it is used in detergent.

I find myself asking with this material used in so many industries, asphalt, cement, water filtration, agribusiness, used in nuclear clean up, why has it not been introduced to the area around the nuclear disaster to help workers there, to protect the population in Japan and contain radiation globally?
The US supplies only 1% of the global use. The deposits are here, but not the interest.

This is a page I found of particular interest relating to the Fukushima situation. You can check out the HOME page from there.

LINK to page on the smallest form of Zeolite which may be the best for dealing with nuclear accidents.

If you plan to personally use a zeolite product be sure to research all the information. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Radiation Causes Cancer Big Time Believe it Your Life Depends on it!

Shame on CNN and news media executives. Shame on the governments of all nations for not getting truthful facts to the people.

"No immediate short-term effect" CNN "This is all new." I can understand people in general being unfamiliar with nuclear effects on populations but the media and the governments and regulatory commissions all know. They did some of the first studies documenting the effects. The Navajo, the Australian miners the Oregon miners of uranium all know the effects. There is hard historical data on the effects of radiation on the human body. They are lying to you with half the truth. You may not see immediate problems but you will definitely see cancers, leukemia and many other diseases as a result of radiation exposure.

Kyodo News now fully accessible

                  Up to the Minute 
Japanese News in English

Reactor #3 began to smoke workers were removed. Mar 22,2011


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Check Out the "LINKS" at the bottom of the page.

Why Should I Stay Inside?

There are around 3800 radioactive isotopes. Below is a link that has a partial list and their half life.
Remember the list I received from the Oregon DOE 24 years ago in May after Chernobyl was over 20 pages long.
List of Radio Active Isotopes

Saturday, March 19, 2011


  • March 12 Hydrogen Explosion Reactor #1 Spent fuel rods stored on top  
  • March 18 Plume from reactor #1 arrives West coast US
  • March 14 Second Explosion Reactor #3 Spent fuel rods stored on top, Mox fuel in reactor
  • March 20 Plume from reactor #3 arrives West coast US
  • March 15 Two Explosions 
  • March 21 Plume arrives West coast
  • March 16 New fire erupts white cloud billowing over complex
  • March 22 Plume arrives West coast
      These arrival times are based on the six days it took the first plume to arrive in the Bay Area.
San Diego News reported increased radiation before the 17th and Alaskan News reported on the 16th.
I will have to find these stories again to link but I wanted to get this posted because of timeliness.


Iodine Tablets

After Chernobyl radioactive iodine was detected by the DEQ in Oregon. It is very likely to be in the plume now on the West coast from the Fukushima accident.

Iodine tablets (IU) can be dangerous to take without clearance from a medical provider. They can cause big problems for individuals allergic to fish or shell fish. The reason individuals consider taking them is to protect the thyroid gland from gobbling up the radioactive iodine that occurs during an accident like Fukushima. 
Topical 2% iodine can be used in a small patch on the underside of the arm. The body takes this in and it works very well to protect the thyroid. NOTE TINCTURE OF IODINE IS POISON NOT TO BE INGESTED (DO NOT DRINK). For use on skin only. Test the possibility of allergy by placing just a dot on the skin. Inside of forearm anywhere between wrist and elbow. Wait 24 hours if no swelling or redness is seen place a small patch of iodine tincture on the skin (1"x1"). This patch should be repeated as it wears off. Daily or every other day during the time of max exposure. That would be at least the first month the plume passes. Because the explosions happened days apart the plume will be arriving in waves. With the middle plume containing the material from reactor three. One should err on the side to too long as weather conditions tend to mix it up.
Dried seaweed for children as well is good. Anything that strengthens the immune system is good. Radioactive exposure breakdown the immune system creating and opening for many diseases. After a “low level” exposure to uranium history tells us of increased allergies of severe degree, leukemia, birth defects, reduced sperm count, and hard cancer. We know plutonium is deadly to inhale but there has never been an accident of this magnitude that involved so much plutonium. Four buildings worth of “dirty bomb.” So you choose how act which suits you. Responsible action is required to protect children.


The sharing is the least I can do. I had the document I received from the state for years but I think it burned 5 years ago when we had our house fire along with other important government documents. If I still had it it would blow the lid off this because it it proof positive that the State knew what was going on after Chernoybl and knows what is going on now.

I am very sorry that I did not make many copies. There was one Doctor I showed it to in Ashland who made a copy. He may still be alive and I may remember his name.

I completely understand anyone who questions the severity of the situation because of what the government and media is telling them. In fact I showed the list to the Doctor because I had concerns about the effects. After Chernobyl the media/state clammed up to so he didn't believe me.
The list was so very depressing to hold it in your hand ripped your heart out. I only showed it to two doctors. They both swooned like a young girl looking at her dead mother in the road. They read a bit on the first page and thumbed quickly through the rest not even seeing.

I may still have it somewhere but it may have been burned in our house fire. I cannot look now it would be outside. So I have no problem with being the fool and asking the People to err on the side of caution. 

Bottled water or water taken before plume arrived (very important if water supply is coming from an open source like a reservoir). If you have not collected water, collect water from a ground water source after the plume dissipates, makes its first pass over your area. The water in your water heater should be saved for drinking. This is critical for children. 

If you cannot avoid going outside during the first pass of the plume wear lung protection, Something is better than nothing. A moist bandana tucked into collar, several  dollar store filter masks at once you get the idea. I have been toying with some ideas that are not so obvious but want to try first to get safety use down. 

It is important that your shoes do not bring the contaminants inside to be breathed in later. Shoes stored in plastic bag. Or for those not fashion conscious and wanting to keep their shoes after this first two weeks use plastic bags over shoes then discard into another bag at the door.
It is best if children do not attend school for the next week (if at all possible) you would do it if they had a flu or chickenpox. Think of it as keeping them from getting something much worse.

 What is out there is the number one cause of childhood leukemia and so much more. Remember it is deadly to adults. and children are 20X more susceptible because they are growing the faster they are growing (babies)  Chernobyl was responsible for over one million deaths. Fukushima is so far 4x times (number of reactors involved so far) and 2 million times more deadly because of the plutonium involved. 

Eat what you have on hand then eat only what you know is pre Fukushima for at least 6 months if possible. Absolutely no MILK, Cheese, fish, or any thing that absorbed the contaminants for at least 6 months. If you grow a garden cover your plot with plastic for at least two months and further away from it if you can. Thoroughly wash your food with soap and rinse while wearing gloves. When washing dishes from open water supplies for the next two to three weeks wear gloves.
Remember if you have not collected bottled water the water in your water heater is good for children to drink. So no hot showers just wet ones short ones and not steamy(to protect lungs). After two weeks and you begin to purchase food again buy canned items that you are sure did not sell out. like large cans of peaches, large bags or bulk grains you get the idea. Things that turn over quickly like bread and so forth make your self with your water heater water. Water filters will not help for this case. So distilled water is your best bet. Tastes icky but good for you to make tea or coffee with. Just go with your instinct. Sea weed if you buy it now was packaged before the disaster. It is great for the kids. The thyroid gobbles up the radioactive iodine so they will need a source to avoid thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases.
the seaweed is cheap. IU pills are dangerous and now the supplies are sparse as many people understand the danger. Smokers stop if you can for the next two weeks.

The reality of being trapped with your children and loved ones in a nightmare brought on by man himself is shocking, stressful and depressing to say the least. Please surround yourself with laughter, think of things you love, remember the BOSS knows what he's doing. All happens for the best. And do not listen to the lie of helplessness. This is the time when your beliefs will be tested. The Creator knows what he is doing. A sun flare combined with the moon closer than it had been in many years and the planets lining up caused the earthquake. It is predicted there will be more in the next two weeks on the ring of fire. We have costal reactors on fault lines. Take this time to PRAY with all your HEART for humanity it is time to use your skills in this area. Creator knows we are just pitiful human beings and our Love and Intention toward His Loving Compassion is everything. The Head of the Universe is still LOVING COMPASSION this is more powerful than anything man can invent. 

I am willing to be the fool the crazy Grandma I will take that chance to help the People. I am just sorry I did not do it sooner. But once again Everything is Perfect and now is the time.

I ask that all the Spirits of the Four Directions Protect and preserve Humanity.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Radiation in Oregon

Twenty five years ago in May I received from the State of Oregon a packet that contained all the readings that they had taken after Chernobyl. It was 25 pages long. It was terrifying.
Chernobyl was a partial melt down of one uranium reactor.

 Fukushima involves four reactors each with forty years of spent fuel rods resting on top of the reactors. Plutonium is involved. With the added detriment of a MOX fueled reactor. To top it off you have two loaded reactors with stored spent fuel to add to the equation. Six reactors. Do you really think nothing is coming our way. That is like driving a car with your eyes closed.

It may be too late to demand simpler ways to turn a gear. What people need to know is a nuclear reactor is just a steam turbine. The technology that has the ability to sterilize human beings, create cancer, human deformities and so much more is just creating steam.

Nuclear elements are man made. There is nothing as deadly for so long as man made radio nuclides.
They are unstable in atomic form so they are constantly changing, moving, decomposing until they finally reach a stable form lead. Some change very quickly days and because of the fast movement are picked up by devices even in small particles. Some very dangerous ones are slower moving and take many thousand years to stabilize. Plutonium released into the atmosphere will be ready to kill any human that breaths it into their lung for 25,000 years.

Clearly simple common sense would suggest that nuclear power is not worth the danger. Historically the industry is one in which corruption runs deep and accountability does not exist. 

Radiation Honesty

The “LEVEL” of radiation, in an accident of the Fukushima magnitude, does not indicate how dangerous the exposure is. “Low level radiation” is merely and indication that accompanying radio nuclides are present which cannot be detected by a geiger counter.
Almost thirty years ago two other ladies and myself worked as lobbyist to stop the reopening of a uranium mine in Lakeview, Oregon. I was raising five children and I learned from literature written about the Australian uranium mining some key points.
First the mine would expose every man, woman, child and infant being carried in the womb to the same exposure workers get working at a nuclear facility. At that time, the nuclear physicists were divided. There were those who supported the industry and were paid handsomely to do so. They were opposed by those who due to conscience had dropped out to inform the public of the dangers.
Some ranchers were looking for a way to generate more wealth from their land. Western Nuclear (historically very disreputable company) was contacted and began test drilling for uranium all over. Ranchers who were not involved began to have concern that drilling so many core samples would drop the water table. 
Prior to this I had been moved to show a documentary film at the library on the impact on the Navaho Nation as a result of exposure to low level radiation. Even though Lake County had a 20 history of exposure no one had documented the effects on the population.  As we carried our grass roots petition from door to door we heard about and saw with our own eyes the devastating effects. We collected thousands of signatures and the measure was placed on the ballot. The people were so grateful that we were making the effort to do something. Lake County is one of the largest counties in Oregon and has a very sparse human population.
I appeared as a witness before the Oregon Legislature, attended many Facility Siting Council meetings. Lloyd Marbett well respected Oregon activist who was at the time fighting to stop the Trojan Power Plant, breeder reactors, and storage of fuel rods in Oregon, attended with us when he had time. Once when I speaking on a TV show where callers were addressed. The callers were mostly very supportive one asked if I was a physicist I said no. At that time there was lots of information so all one had to do was read it. I gave the caller names and titles of the literature. After the show ended I was asked if I wanted to speak to the last caller. He was a retired Navy Chief. The gentleman explained how power could be easily created by placing small water wheels along the Columbia River and hooking them up to alternators (already stored in a place he knew of) and connected directly to the Bonneville Power line that runs next to the river.
Years passed my life unfolded. After the cancer death of my mother (at 57) I moved to Ashland with the knowledge I had gained I was the first to call the EPA and DEQ when the Chernobyl accident occurred. I spoke to the scientist who was monitoring the radioactive readings for the state. He mailed me a 25 page document that was a list of all the radioactive materials that they were picking up. The list was overwhelming. I showed it to several doctors one made a copy. 
It is documented that 1/4 pound of plutonium broken into it’s smallest particulate has the potential to kill every human being on the face of the Earth.
In light of the desire to have a renaissance in nuclear power I will say it is the most NOT GREEN way to create a steam engine. It was compared to using a chain saw to cut butter. There is simply no responsible excuse to continue on this deadly path.
What I did several days after Chernobyl was keep the kids inside and taped up all windows and doors for a week. We did not drink milk or eat cheese for a year. You must understand that Chernobyl was only one uranium reactor that had a partial melt down. 25 years later it is responsible for over a million deaths.
Japan is much more serious if everyone had the benefit of my experience they would have kept their children indoors. Children are 20X more at risk that adults because of their cell division. This accident is not just a Japanese experience it is a global experience. The radio nuclides expelled into the atmosphere will have an effect on everyone literally forever. How can they tell you this? They don’t they just keep lying to you. 
After fighting the fight against the nuclear industry which is a horrific unnecessary manmade danger I was exhausted. I moved and continued on with raising my children.
There is deviant goal in society that does not respect the right of the individual to know what the heck is going on. This goal is a game and short term with every long term consequences. Money or return on investments can be acquired many ways are we not tired of the current dishonorable game. Hopefully now we are not all too busy to listen to our Hearts and know what is right and who is lying and why.