Saturday, March 19, 2011


The sharing is the least I can do. I had the document I received from the state for years but I think it burned 5 years ago when we had our house fire along with other important government documents. If I still had it it would blow the lid off this because it it proof positive that the State knew what was going on after Chernoybl and knows what is going on now.

I am very sorry that I did not make many copies. There was one Doctor I showed it to in Ashland who made a copy. He may still be alive and I may remember his name.

I completely understand anyone who questions the severity of the situation because of what the government and media is telling them. In fact I showed the list to the Doctor because I had concerns about the effects. After Chernobyl the media/state clammed up to so he didn't believe me.
The list was so very depressing to hold it in your hand ripped your heart out. I only showed it to two doctors. They both swooned like a young girl looking at her dead mother in the road. They read a bit on the first page and thumbed quickly through the rest not even seeing.

I may still have it somewhere but it may have been burned in our house fire. I cannot look now it would be outside. So I have no problem with being the fool and asking the People to err on the side of caution. 

Bottled water or water taken before plume arrived (very important if water supply is coming from an open source like a reservoir). If you have not collected water, collect water from a ground water source after the plume dissipates, makes its first pass over your area. The water in your water heater should be saved for drinking. This is critical for children. 

If you cannot avoid going outside during the first pass of the plume wear lung protection, Something is better than nothing. A moist bandana tucked into collar, several  dollar store filter masks at once you get the idea. I have been toying with some ideas that are not so obvious but want to try first to get safety use down. 

It is important that your shoes do not bring the contaminants inside to be breathed in later. Shoes stored in plastic bag. Or for those not fashion conscious and wanting to keep their shoes after this first two weeks use plastic bags over shoes then discard into another bag at the door.
It is best if children do not attend school for the next week (if at all possible) you would do it if they had a flu or chickenpox. Think of it as keeping them from getting something much worse.

 What is out there is the number one cause of childhood leukemia and so much more. Remember it is deadly to adults. and children are 20X more susceptible because they are growing the faster they are growing (babies)  Chernobyl was responsible for over one million deaths. Fukushima is so far 4x times (number of reactors involved so far) and 2 million times more deadly because of the plutonium involved. 

Eat what you have on hand then eat only what you know is pre Fukushima for at least 6 months if possible. Absolutely no MILK, Cheese, fish, or any thing that absorbed the contaminants for at least 6 months. If you grow a garden cover your plot with plastic for at least two months and further away from it if you can. Thoroughly wash your food with soap and rinse while wearing gloves. When washing dishes from open water supplies for the next two to three weeks wear gloves.
Remember if you have not collected bottled water the water in your water heater is good for children to drink. So no hot showers just wet ones short ones and not steamy(to protect lungs). After two weeks and you begin to purchase food again buy canned items that you are sure did not sell out. like large cans of peaches, large bags or bulk grains you get the idea. Things that turn over quickly like bread and so forth make your self with your water heater water. Water filters will not help for this case. So distilled water is your best bet. Tastes icky but good for you to make tea or coffee with. Just go with your instinct. Sea weed if you buy it now was packaged before the disaster. It is great for the kids. The thyroid gobbles up the radioactive iodine so they will need a source to avoid thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases.
the seaweed is cheap. IU pills are dangerous and now the supplies are sparse as many people understand the danger. Smokers stop if you can for the next two weeks.

The reality of being trapped with your children and loved ones in a nightmare brought on by man himself is shocking, stressful and depressing to say the least. Please surround yourself with laughter, think of things you love, remember the BOSS knows what he's doing. All happens for the best. And do not listen to the lie of helplessness. This is the time when your beliefs will be tested. The Creator knows what he is doing. A sun flare combined with the moon closer than it had been in many years and the planets lining up caused the earthquake. It is predicted there will be more in the next two weeks on the ring of fire. We have costal reactors on fault lines. Take this time to PRAY with all your HEART for humanity it is time to use your skills in this area. Creator knows we are just pitiful human beings and our Love and Intention toward His Loving Compassion is everything. The Head of the Universe is still LOVING COMPASSION this is more powerful than anything man can invent. 

I am willing to be the fool the crazy Grandma I will take that chance to help the People. I am just sorry I did not do it sooner. But once again Everything is Perfect and now is the time.

I ask that all the Spirits of the Four Directions Protect and preserve Humanity.


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