“The Japanese cannot even imagine what ignorance we lived in,” said Kruglikova, a 60-year-old literature teacher. “Everything we knew at first was basically just rumor, but many people trusted the official line.”Bloomburg
The reactors at the Fukushima plant have been spewing radiation into Japan and the world for over two weeks why are the officials not burying them?
“They were greedy and wanted to try to re-use the reactors,” Tokyo Governor Ishihara said March 25. “Had they used sea water from the start we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Bloomburg
News media reported readings 10 million times normal at "one of the reactors" yesterday. This is totally possible for the #3 reactor with MOX fuel. This reactor was upgraded just a year ago by a French company. MOX is bomb grade plutonium mixed with uranium. MOX is considered to be the future in the nuclear industry. This mixture is referred to by some as the "dirty bomb" mixture. So today (03/27/11) the story is being retracted by TEPCO. The chief executive for the company is in the process of being removed because of the many of billions lost. The cost to TEPCO will be incalculable in 5 years when all the health lawsuits begin to file in. It would be to TEPCO's great advantage to get help and bury the facility immediately.
We have seen a hesitancy to cut the losses from the start. TEPCO gives the impression of wanting to salvage some value from the site which is simply unrealistic. The delays due to financial concerns or cultural politeness need to stop immediately. The entire well being of Japan is at risk. The Japanese People are being lied to as well as the world why? So the nuclear industry can survive an industry that only provides a percentage of power we could easily do without 15% to 20% globally.
I support the 200,000 Germans who rallied against nuclear generation of electricity. It's just a steam engine for goodness sake.
The US has just started another oil war rather than to focus fully on assisting the People of Japan in their dire hour of need. That would be the Humanitarian Quest of the hour. Not bombing Libia for "humanitarian" reasons. One has to wonder if our country goes to war without approval of Congress (illegal), how will it respond to the demands of global citizens to bury the reactors at Fukushima and stop all nukes and seek only electrical generation that is "user friendly"?
The reactors at the Fukushima plant have been spewing radiation into Japan and the world for over two weeks why are the officials not burying them?
“They were greedy and wanted to try to re-use the reactors,” Tokyo Governor Ishihara said March 25. “Had they used sea water from the start we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Bloomburg
News media reported readings 10 million times normal at "one of the reactors" yesterday. This is totally possible for the #3 reactor with MOX fuel. This reactor was upgraded just a year ago by a French company. MOX is bomb grade plutonium mixed with uranium. MOX is considered to be the future in the nuclear industry. This mixture is referred to by some as the "dirty bomb" mixture. So today (03/27/11) the story is being retracted by TEPCO. The chief executive for the company is in the process of being removed because of the many of billions lost. The cost to TEPCO will be incalculable in 5 years when all the health lawsuits begin to file in. It would be to TEPCO's great advantage to get help and bury the facility immediately.
We have seen a hesitancy to cut the losses from the start. TEPCO gives the impression of wanting to salvage some value from the site which is simply unrealistic. The delays due to financial concerns or cultural politeness need to stop immediately. The entire well being of Japan is at risk. The Japanese People are being lied to as well as the world why? So the nuclear industry can survive an industry that only provides a percentage of power we could easily do without 15% to 20% globally.
I support the 200,000 Germans who rallied against nuclear generation of electricity. It's just a steam engine for goodness sake.
The US has just started another oil war rather than to focus fully on assisting the People of Japan in their dire hour of need. That would be the Humanitarian Quest of the hour. Not bombing Libia for "humanitarian" reasons. One has to wonder if our country goes to war without approval of Congress (illegal), how will it respond to the demands of global citizens to bury the reactors at Fukushima and stop all nukes and seek only electrical generation that is "user friendly"?
What the hell gets us to the point where we have to rob a bank?? These low life people are taking our money and just because they dont have enough money to buy drugs for the day they take our money. It iss a bunch of crap and they are just greedy people who want to get some money.